Real-time Temperature monitoring system with interactive web service consisting of Dashboard, Reports, Alerts & Graphs.

VM-1000 vaccine temperature monitor

The importance of vaccine temperature monitoring simply can’t be understated, as any temperature excursion, during vaccine storage or transport, can cost lives. It is critical to the effectiveness of any vaccine, that the vaccine storage and handling occurs within the prescribed and stable temperature range. 

The CDC’s 2018 Vaccine Storage and Handling Toolkit states that the most reliable way to maintain vaccines, as usable and safe, requires a stable cold-chain as a necessity.

Ikhaya Automation Systems offers a smart solution in the form of the VM-1000 vaccine temperature monitoring system: a cutting edge real-time temperature monitoring system with interactive web service consisting of a dashboard, integrated reporting, and an alert system.

Designed to operate across the entire specified temperature range of -200°C to 1200°C, the unit is able to monitor temperatures during the manufacture, storage, and distribution of any vaccine.

Our current hardware for the VM 1000 can operate in 2 states:

  • Standalone Temperature monitoring SMS system whereby the unit will alert multiple users in the event of an alarm and allows the user to download the data via USB using an intelligent user-friendly PC application
  • Remote Real-time Temperature monitoring system with interactive web service consisting of Dashboard, Reports, Alerts & Graphs

Product Specifications